Friday, November 22, 2024

 It has been more than a little while since I posted on this particular tributary to my literary river, and well past time to do so, even if it is to indulge my ego.

I can finally say it is finished: My journey to bring my book to the printed page has concluded with the publication of Rising Son. The first-edition hardback launches Dec 7, 2024, paperback available as well, and e reader versions to. You can find all the ISBN information at the author's page of my publisher; . When ordering make sure to use these numbers as old editions still lurk in the electronic depths of the internet, because as we all know, if ever once on the web, forever on the web.

I encourage my readers to order from your local booksellers, they need the sale, and writers need the places to be discovered.

Here are some opinions about Rising Son:

“Wow! An incredible, sweeping epic tale of a Japanese family navigating the quickly changing world around World War II, Rising Son touches the heart and engages the mind. Robert Pace has infused his narrative with a richness and depth that place this ‘historical' novel on the shelf next to the Great Jameses: Clavell and Michener. I am truly impressed--Rising Son is a terrific read!”

Garth Stein; New York Times #1 Bestselling author of The Art of Racing in the Rain.

"Robert Pace re-examines a whitewashed piece of American history with the detail and rich characterizations that give Rising Son the feel of an early Mitchener saga. An intriguing historical reconstruction, Rising Son repays a decades-old debt to Pace’s father, a witness to a shameful part of America’s past."

Dave Boling; Bestselling author of Guernica and The Lost History of Stars.